Monday, January 3, 2011

Quick Wins: Shortcut to type multiples of 10 in Excel

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year 2011.
Starting this year, I’ll start sharing quick tips under the head “Quick Wins”. Quick wins that save time and effort and importantly easy to learn and execute.

How often do you need to type multiples of 10 in excel (10 0r 100 or 1000 or 1000000 etc)? If that is multiple times in a day then this tip is for you. I’m sure this will drool you (Unless, you are already aware of it!!!).
Typing just 10 or 100 is easy in excel. But what if you have to type 1,000,000? (A million, a billion or greater than that).
 How easy is it to type 1E6 instead of 1,000,000? 3 letters instead of 7! Explanation below

1E6 simply says 1 followed by six zeroes (which is a million!).This is the scientific format of numbers in excel. Just some examples below.
To TypeQuick Way
                          10 1E1
                       100 1E2
                    1,000 1E3
           10,00,000 1E6
  1,00,00,00,000 1E9
                 50,000 5E4

What are you waiting for? Champion this tip and save some effort and time J
Share your experience:
Do you use this option more often? how do you deal with this type of data. Have another tip do this stuff? Also, do not forget to leave your comments on this post. I learn a lot from you all.

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