Friday, October 29, 2010

Go To Special series. Select Row and Column Differences

Welcome to the sixth post of this series – Select row and column differences. Hope you are enjoying this series. Click here to read to navigate to go to special.

I’m sure this is one technique that will be useful for auditors, reviewers, quality checkers (all these are one job but different tags called in different companies. There might be some more which I’m not aware!). In the companies, I worked before there used to be one preparer and one reviewer (for a four-eye check or a quick sense check before the report is sent to the stakeholders. Reviewers job is to make sure the values are correct as per the inputs received and all formulas are correct and end result makes sense. This is one technique I adopted when I used to review the data.

Row differences:
Row differences select cells that are different to active cell from all the cells you selected in a row. By different, I mean cell values if they are constants or the formula differences if the cells contain formulae. When one selects a range of cells from a row one need to be careful in selecting the active cell. By default, excel selects the first cell as active cell. To change the active cell in the selection press Enter or Tab. Ensure you have the correct cell activated after which you wanted to find the differences in a row.
If more than one row is selected, the comparison is done for each individual row of that selection, and the cell that is used in the comparison for each additional row is located in the same column as the active cell.

Keyboard Shortcut: Press F5, then Alt+S+W

Below is a random data I picked to illustrate the same.
This is a gross profit calculation for four fruits sold in a market per week (I’ve shown data for two weeks). Gross profit is Sales minus COGS (Cost of goods sold). In this example, for week 1, gross profit for Apple should be C25-C26 (=50). Think as a reviewer! Check the formula in cell C27. It should be C25-C26 (Sales – COGS). If it is fine, select row 27 in this example from columns C: F. Press F5, then Alt+S+W. You will select the differences in row due to formula. The selected cells are wrongly calculated cells. (Now it’s your duty to mark your preparer an error! Well, if you do not want to screw him just let him know about the error. Am just kidding!!)

Check below the table and formulas for gross profit in table. If you rightly audit the formulae, you will observe gross profit for Grapes and Orange is not calculated using sales and COGS of Banana and Orange respectively (E27 shows D25 – D26 where it has to be E25 – E26, and F27 shows E25-E26 where it has to be F25 – F26). Same is the case with gross profit for week 2 for Banana (Cell D30). Formula was carried forwarded from apple gross profit calculation.

R-C diffs
25Week 1Sales100200400200
27Gross Profit50100100200
28Week 2Sales801201000120
30Gross Profit404040050
Excel 2007

Worksheet Formulas

Copy the above data and formulas to your excel and play around.
Select range C27:F27 (Active cell is C27), Go to special and select row differences. You will see E27 and F27 are selected as they are different from the row (Formulas pointing to different column unlike the active cell in your selection). Below is a visual selecting the multiple rows and finding the differences.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Go To Special series. Select Objects

Go To Special series. Select Objects

Click here to read to navigate to go to special.

In my current job, I work a lot on SAP BW. When I export a BW report to Excel, I find quite a lot of objects. Annoyingly enough, Excel processing slows down (Almost dead!) because of these numerous objects in the file. So, first thing I do after I export a report to excel from BW is select all the objects in the file and delete.

What are Objects in Excel?
Below picture I made to define objects in Excel.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Go To Special Series. Select Current Region and Current Array

Go To Special series. Select Current Region and Current Array

Happy "Dusserah" to all the readers. This Dusserah, may you be blessed with good fortune, Wealth and prosperity, Happiness. Wish you and your family a fun filled Dusserah!

Welcome to the fourth post of this series – Select current region and current array. Click here to read to navigate to go to special.

Define Current Region
The range of cells filled in with data and including the current selected cell or cells. The region extends in all directions to the first empty row or column. Selecting a current region is selecting an entire list of data.

Keyboard Shortcut: Press F5, then Alt+S+R or simply Ctrl+A or SHIFT + CTRL + SPACE bar

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Go To Special Series. Select Blanks

Select Blanks:
Welcome to the third post of this series – Select blanks. Click here to read to navigate to go to special and to select comments or Click here to read to select constants and formulas.

Why Select Blanks?
I often use this option in Excel and I sincerely thank Microsoft for having this option in Excel. I must admit I hate to see blank cells in my data. It is quite common that we see blank cells in a large set of data, especially for people who download data from web and people who get a pivot table paste as values as his input for further processing. One might want to get rid of blank cells or put a constant (Sometimes, I make blank cells as zero) or fill the blank cells with a common formula etc.

Bear in mind to select a range of cells while selecting blanks or else by default excel selects all blanks in the used region. I mean by used region, from A1 to the last used cell.

Navigate to Go To Special - Blanks
Click here to learn navigation.
Keyboard Shortcut: Press F5, then Alt+S+K.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Go To Special series. Select Constants and Formulas

Select Constants and formulas:
Welcome to the second post of this series – Select constants and formulas. Click here to read to navigate to go to special and also to select comments.

What are constants and formulas?
Well, constants are values that are unchanging in nature. They are not dependent on any other constant or variable.

Formulas on the other hand are derived based on the value of referred cells. Formulae copied and pasted as values are constants as well for selectionJ. Having said that, let’s explore the options to select constants and formulas by using “Go to special”.

Data types of constants and formulas can be number, text, logical and error.
Number can be any numeric value
Text can be any text (string) value.
Logicals are TRUE and FALSE.
Errors are all the error types in excel. #DIV/0!, #N/A, #NAME?, #NULL!, #NUM!, #REF!, and #VALUE!.

Tip: If you select a range and then go to special and select your criteria, it selects the criteria only from your selected range.